Big News for Caroline Maxcy Photography... We're Expecting! — Baby Girl Fox Arriving December 2020

Exciting news for Caroline Maxcy Photography! Which mainly means I'll have a baby belly in tow (and more than likely a photo assistant or two) for my fall weddings and sessions and I'll have a little "artist in training" in tow in the new year and beyond!

3 years waiting and praying
36 months of hope and patience
1 year with the kindest fertility specialist
Countless vitamins, supplements, prescriptions, shots, ultrasounds, blood tests, diet adjustments, yoga poses, etc.
2 failed IUI procedures
1 successful that ended in miscarriage
Months of healing
1 pandemic, postponed treatment & “shelter in place” order later...
led us to you.

Baby girl we’ve been waiting and waiting and praying and praying specifically for you.
We’ve watched as you’ve grown from the size of a whispered prayer to a poppyseed, to a pear.
We can’t wait to welcome a new year with you!

Baby Girl Fox Arriving December 2020

“Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow.” James 1:17
