Good Luck Junior Miss Highlands County Contestants! — Central Florida Portrait Photography — Sebring, FL

I had the joy of capturing these gorgeous contestants and their glowing smiles for the 2016 Junior Miss Highlands County Pageant! And tonight they take the stage! Come on out to the Highlands County Fair Grounds at 7:00 to cheer them on. Here's wishing all you lovely ladies lots of luck and lots of fun all along the way!

xoxo, Caroline

Jeffery + Kandi Sneak Peek — Bok Tower Gardens Wedding Photography — Lake Wales, FL

What happens when it rains all day long on your wedding day?? You get married in the rain to the love of your life! (And under the dry protection of your backup plan. Always have a backup plan.) Then you kiss your new mister in the rain and celebrate the night away with your nearest and dearest! That's what happens... 

And then...  

You get back in your wedding day duds the next day and stroll in the sparkle of the day-after sun and the glow of your newlywed bliss! Thanks for inviting me in on your sweet wedding day celebration where the light of your love and smiles couldn't be dimmed by any storm and for spending your first day as husband and wife with me and my camera in a garden! Congrats again Kandi and Jeff!

xoxo, Caroline

Kandi + Jeff — Lake Wales, FL — Bok Tower Gardens Wedding Photography with Caroline Maxcy Photography.

Kandi + Jeff — Lake Wales, FL — Bok Tower Gardens Wedding Photography with Caroline Maxcy Photography.

Kandi + Jeff Engaged — Boca Grande, Florida Engagement Photography

Kandi and Jeff are getting hitched this weekend! I can't wait to be there for the sure to be sweet and gorgeous celebration at Bok Tower Gardens and today I couldn't help but share their equally as lovely engagement session from Boca Grande, FL, a place near and dear to their hearts. We wandered the quaint and colorful downtown streets in this adorable seaside town before heading to the infamous Banyan Street with their pup! Then we of course had to wrap things up with a sunset stroll along the gulf shore. Isn't it gorgeous! 

Can't wait for them to become husband and wife this weekend!

xoxo, Caroline

Brittany + Ryan Sneak Peek — Central Florida Wedding Photography — Sebring, FL

January in Florida is kind of magical. The air is perfectly crisp and the light is oh-so-lovely! A photographers dream! I couldn't have asked for a better way to start off my 2016 wedding season than with Brittany and Ryan's sweet celebration. Seriously, these two (and their families and friends) are the sweetest kind of folks, the type you'd want to call your own friends. So when I found out there were about 50 people from the groom's neighborhood in SEATTLE, WA (!) that made the trek across the country to be there for the celebration I was not surprised in the least. 

Here's a little peek into their day, with so much more gorgeousness to share in the coming year! Congrats Brittany and Ryan! And thank you both so much for inviting me to capture your big day!

xoxo, Caroline

Brittany + Ryan — Sebring, FL Military Wedding Photography with Caroline Maxcy Photography.

Brittany + Ryan — Sebring, FL Military Wedding Photography with Caroline Maxcy Photography.

Now Offering Wedding Videography — Central Florida Wedding Videography

It's been awhile since my last post and I've certainly haven't been keeping you all up to date on all the Caroline Maxcy Photography happenings over the past few months. (I am seriously behind by two entire years with sharing some of our gorgeous wedding days with you all.) I do hope to get you all back in the land of lovely image overload soon and with the addition of an intern this past fall we are well on track! (Hi, Nicole! You're the best!) 2016 is already shaping up to be some kind of an incredible year. I already have a delightfully full spring with weddings and seniors and events galore. But today we want to announce to you all a new endeavor we are taking on. As you all may know, last September I so sweetly stepped into marriage hand in hand with the most amazing of man. I have never experienced partnership in this way before. This is what the sweet Lord designed marriage to be like, and while I definitely know that we do not have the whole marriage even close to completely figured out I am excited to walk a lifetime side-by-side with this fella along the way. On the sunniest of days in December we picked up cameras and side-by-side filmed our very first wedding celebration. Devon and I are officially wedding day videographers, y'all! You can check out a little peek into that sweet December wedding day with Kayla and Joey below. While we certainly know there is so much more to learn along the way we are excited to be offering videography services to a select few brides and grooms throughout the year (with special discounts for weddings booking this spring.) Contact us for more information by {clicking here} and lets start chatting about how we can be a part of telling your sweet love story!

Blogger Bride Debut!

I had all these romanticized dreams of being a blogger bride starting the moment I got engaged. I'd talk about how I signed off Pinterest, I threw out details that brought along too much stress and I'd offer advice on ways to float your way through a blissful engagement experience all the way to the walk down the aisle (based off of my own drama free, blissful experience). As you can imagine that has not been the case in any way shape or form. At all. Like not even one bit. Yes there are moments of blissfulness (engagement photo session!) and yes there are a very few non-stressful details. But for the most part there has been a lot of the unexpected: the process of navigating new relations, unsuccessfully trying to explain a vision that is in my head to another creative individual, lots of miscommunication, lots of disappointment, details that have been thrown out the window not without kicking, screaming and clawing and trying to force them into existent (it is apparently impossible to get a single live olive tree or branch in Highlands County this time of year. Thank you California weddings for putting an impossible dream in my head). I am still on Pinterest every single day coming up with new impossible ideas about olive branches and painted white barns and the perfect mix of romantic vintage yet modern details. I am not your poster child bride. Let's just get that out there. Phew. I feel better. But what I can offer you, 10 days out from our wedding day (eee!), is a little glimpse into the beautifully messy journey that has been our engagement experience and the road we have walked (and stumbled) along the way. Here's the clincher... the thing that makes all of this mess ok... That road ends at an alter where I lay down this single life of mine and become one with the most amazing man. We together commit to honor and serve our God, our marriage as our ministry, the true and perfect representation of Christ and the church (that is going to look pretty unperfect all along the way). That's pretty much the long way of saying. We are getting married y'all! 


Tip #1 ) Pre-Martital Counseling

I'm just going to start off right here. This is seriously one of the first things we set up after we got engaged (actually this was one on my lovely groom's to do list). And I'd have to say this is one of the things we got right. Yay for victories! We decided to meet with two different couples, our own church pastor (Todd, who happens to be Devon's boss) and his wife (Hi, Susan!!) and also another local pastor and his wife, Steve and Pattie, who are just a few more years down the road of this thing called marriage. Their styles of counseling are fairly different but both are just what we needed in this process. We've chatted about everything from marriage and ministry, to budgeting and balance, to trusting God to show up in miraculous ways, to stepping away and shutting off the world for a bit to regroup, to understanding all those emotions, to fighting fair, to growing our family one day. We've read through books like Sacred Marriage by Gary L. Thomas, Experiencing Oneness by Harold Gillogly and The Meaning of Marriage by Timothy Keller. All good stuff. And all things we plan to read over and over again throughout the life of our marriage. We've prayed together, we've laughed together and we've cried together (no surprise if I'm in the room). And my prayer is that this PRE-Marital Counseling thing just eases itself on over to plain ole Marriage Counseling along the way. You need this folks. But ultimately these wise couples pointing us to the one and ultimate counselor, Jesus. I sat a friends wedding years ago and still remember the shocking word of the officiant so clearly. "It's impossible for this marriage to work." Ummm, not what you expect to hear at a wedding ceremony. Maybe a little 1 Corinthians or some Ephesians 5 but not "this thing is gonna fail." But the shock of the statement prepared my heart for what he had next. "It would take a miracle. And that miracle is Jesus Christ." 

Evan R. Senior Session — Sebring High School Senior Photography — Sebring, FL

Caroline Maxcy Photography officially has a fall intern! Yay! Which means we are finally getting back to keeping up a little better with this whole blog/marketing thing. So today we are sharing with you all Sebring High School Senior, Evan's super fun senior session which spanned over the year capturing some of the highlights from his senior year and really getting to tell his "senior story" before he jetted off to college. This guy has big time personality and such good style and I love how he played that up in his session. Congrats Evan! And I hope college is treating you well!

xoxo, Caroline