Central Florida Senior Session — Mandy W Senior — Fine Art Film Lifestyle Photography

What a giant breath of fresh air it was to capture Mandy’s gorgeous senior photos on the sunniest of Florida springtime days at the ranch. My first official session post pandemic lock-down. There certainly have been a lot of inconveniences for us all during this time and my heart goes out to those and their family members who have been physically effected by this disease. But aside from those dealing with the real life struggles of being diagnosed with the sickness my heart aches most for those missing, shifting and adjusting through once in a lifetime opportunities. New moms giving birth in lonely hospital rooms, wedding celebrations postponed or wildly scaled back, loved ones straining to watch via Facetime and livestreams and last but certainly not least seniors walking out their last days of grade school holed up at home, unworn prom dresses and graduation caps and gowns tucked away. If anything it has been such a joy to take a few moments to celebrate these incredible milestone with such gracious people. Thank you for the honor, you guys.

Over the course of the past few weeks I’ve capture a joyous handful of seniors spanning Central Florida and can’t wait to share with you all more from each of these sessions. For now I give you Mandy, a Sebring High School grad who was nothing short of joyous, gracious, kind and totally gorgeous in her post pandemic senior session. If anything I’ve been encouraged by how so many folks have responded with grace in a season that may feel a bit graceless from time to time. Thank you.

I’d love to encourage us all (especially myself) to continue to look for the marvelous in the mess, the glimmer of light in what appears to be so dark and the thing the Lord is longing to do right and valuable in a season that feels wrong or wasted. Shift your gaze, change your focus, reframe your image of this season of life and watch your heart slowly shift too. Okay, reminder set. Now lets get to some pretty pictures…

xoxo, Caroline

“Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things.” - Philippians 4:8