Central Florida Engagement Session — Megan + Matt — Fine Art Film Lifestyle Photography

It seems like a lifetime ago when in early March we were sneaking in this engagement session with Megan and Matt visiting some of Highlands County’s prettiest spots (including the dreamy Highlands Hammock State Park, a golden field, an orange grove in bloom and a lakeside sunset stop). Its oh-so-good to be easing back into it all because if there is one thing I’ve noticed over this past few months it’s that life hasn’t stopped moving forward in joyous, momentous ways. Of folks near and dear to me I can count at least five engagements, three impromptu weddings/elopements and a handful of little ones being welcomed into the world amidst the chaos of a pandemics and protests. Though our world may be forever altered by this time our love presses forward resilient and in many cases stronger than ever. We are pausing and listening and learning and praying and in so many ways striving to live out Philippians 2:3-4 daily, working to “regard one another as more important than yourselves… not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others.” And while the timing has shifted and the settings may look different we have so many reasons to celebrate “us” together. Bold, passionate, wildly different, made in His image, us. I’m so excited to be turning my gaze towards and capturing a little more of that each and every day.

xoxo, Caroline